2019 Global E‑Retail Expansion Report

Analysis of the ways U.S. companies are reaching international consumers

(Published September 2019)


Analysis of the ways U.S. companies are reaching international consumers

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2019 Global E-Retail Expansion Report

Global Ecommerce: How Top 1000 U.S. Retailers are Bringing in Billions

With over $140 billion in worldwide ecommerce sales, U.S. retailers are thinking globally. But only half of U.S. retailers in the Internet Retailer Top 1000 are shipping to consumers in other countries, and that means losing out on more profit.

The 70-page 2019 Global E-Retail Expansion Report consists of a detailed research analysis of the ways U.S. companies are reaching international consumers. It includes specifics on the obstacles of selling to international online shoppers outside of the U.S. and the strategies many U.S. retailers and brands are deploying to overcome these barriers.

View the table of contents for full details on what’s included in the report.

What’s included in the 2019 Global E-Retail Expansion Report

  • Analysis of the Top 1000 e-retailers’ global web sales, broken down by merchandise category, Top 1000 rank and merchant types
  • 27 charts and tables on international ecommerce
  • Data on the methods retailers are using for international fulfillment
  • Breakdown of international payment methods accepted by e-retailers
  • Analysis of website traffic from abroad
  • Data on e-retailers offering currency converters and translation into non-English languages on their websites
  • Exclusive survey results on the primary obstacles e-retailers are facing with global web sales

Analysis of the ways U.S. companies are reaching international consumers

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