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A snapshot of 5 B2B sellers’ ecommerce platforms

We look at the details of the B2B ecommerce platforms deployed by five companies, and some of the ecommerce objectives they’ve realized.

Choosing an ecommerce platform is a crucial undertaking for any company that wants to succeed online. And it can be especially challenging for B2B companies, which need the technology it takes to handle what can be highly complex purchasing, order fulfillment, and delivery requirements of B2B buyers.

B2B ecommerce platforms

In an infographic debuting a new series of ecommerce technology graphical presentations, Digital Commerce 360 lists the ecommerce platforms and the ecommerce objectives they supported at five B2B companies:

The new series of ecommerce technology reviews will alternate among such technology categories as procurement and punchout software systems and product information management (PIM) applications that ecommerce companies rely on to run their operations, serve their customers, and build their revenue and profits.

Each infographic in the series will reveal some of the critical games each featured company has produced through their ecommerce technology, such as increasing customer loyalty and conversion rates, managing and analyzing product and customer data, and upgrading the online buying experience.

Paul Demery is a Digital Commerce 360 contributing editor covering B2B digital commerce technology and strategy.

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